
Archive for November, 2007

Alright, I want you to click play on this video, close your eyes, make sure the sound is on. Ok, you can watch it if you want to. But if you choose to just listen, imagine that the audio pertains to this blog experience. You know, that warm feeling you used to get every time you came to Ranty McRanterson.

You have been loyal throughout the good times and the bad. The times when posts were as plentiful as the trees in a wild, tropical rainforest. The times when there were no posts for months.

Ranty McRanterson has been a place where young trainees come to get their start as bloggers. It has been a starting point for careers in the sciences, in the soils, in the laws, in local politics. It has been a place where washed up bloggers come to finish out their careers. Ok, it hasn’t been that yet, but it had the potential to be that. It has even been a place where people come to do nothing. They sign on and post nothing. I’m not naming any names though, out of respect for that individual. Cough-BRI-Cough.

But now is not a time to dwell upon the past or even the present, because there is a bright future in store for RMcR, coming to an internet near you in 2007. Stay tuned for more updates.

Listen: Europe, “The Final Countdown”

Quote: “I suck.” – Andrew Storer

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