
Archive for June, 2010

     “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “A rant bitches!”

     So I’ve pretty much been a science guy all my life. My dad is a middle school science teacher so I guess we could blame that, but really its because science seems to make sense. For the most part. Neither here nor there. In science we use something called the metric system. If you don’t know what that is, it’s time to leave. NOW. Seriously, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go directly to elementary school.

     Okay, for those of you still with us, use of the metric system started with France in 1791. A strike against it, I know, but France has had some gems. Remember the Maginot Line? Wait, what? There have been many versions of the metric system but the one we currently use is the International System of Units (SI). It’s base ten, making conversion from unit to unit as simple as moving decimal places. Unfortunately, many in this country still use the English units.

Now THAT'S how you make an outdated defense system!


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     For work I tend to drive enough to span several media markets, making it a necessity to spend most of the day searching for tolerable radio stations. A helpful note, once you get onto the Eastern Shore of Maryland, good music seems to dry up quickly. Why one area needs five hundred country music stations and only one for classic rock, I’ll never know. Anyway, I’ve become very familiar with the different types of radio stations out there, and I found one that pisses me off more than any others. You might be thinking that I’m about to go off on a rant about country music, but you’d be wrong. That would be too predictable and everyone knows I like to keep it fresh. As much as I despise country, the mix station wins my award for crappiest type of radio station out there.



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